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Dialogue with members

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Members of Parliament – close to the local people

Members of the Bürgerschaft are representatives of the people and so it is in their nature to be open to people’s ideas and concerns. Most Members have their own offices and hold public surgeries. They take part in many events where they talk about their work and give the public an opportunity to debate policies and contentious issues with them. They find out about what is going on locally in Hamburg and in other political areas. As Members of Parliament they have the chance to take up these issues and raise them in the Bürgerschaft.

Dialogue about politics

Members of Parliament are not able to fulfil all wishes or serve all interests, however. Society has become more complex, and political room to manoeuvre is all too often restricted by scarce financial resources. In addition, Parliament always has to take the overriding general public interest into account. For these reasons, options for achieving quick and direct improvements are often limited. It is up to Members of Parliament to explain this political environment clearly and in a way that people can understand. Communicating how political objectives are developed and how parliamentary decision-making processes work is a challenge faced by the Members of the Bürgerschaft.