Anyone who
can turn to the Petitions Committee.
The Petitions Committee deals with requests and complaints (petitions) made to the Hamburg Parliament (Bürgerschaft) by the public. It is appointed by Parliament at the beginning of the legislative period. There are 16 Members of Parliament serving on it at present. The make-up of the committee reflects the distribution of power in the Bürgerschaft.
Anyone can ask the Petitions Committee for help, e.g.
Petitions can be submitted on your own behalf, for another person or in the general interest.
For example with
The Petitions Committee cannot help with issues covered by private law, e.g. conflicts between neighbours, family disputes or tenancy problems. It is also not allowed to review the substance of court decisions. If the requests or complaints concern federal authorities, or institutions subject to federal supervision, they should be submitted to the Petitions Committee of the German Bundestag.